Toyota Sienna | Pinterest Campaign

A quick glimpse at of one of my favorite recent shoots - and I didn't even have to turn on the camera! Thanks to Erica and Kristin at Atrium Agency for pulling me into this campaign, putting me in front of the camera for once.

This was the most complex campaign I'd been a part of during covid, but we were able to keep the crew lean and mean for this fun piece for Toyota. Focusing on the Pinterest platform, they featured 4 different demographics to target for the Toyota Sienna. We bounced all over Malibu and even got permitting for the entire Point Mugu state park campground because of covid closures.

Being involved as talent always gives me great perspective as to what it’s like being on the other side of the lens - always appreciate learning more by collaborating with other great artists.

PS. Spot the product placement for my friends at Sierra Designs, Fjallraven, and Hanwag? Hehe :)

Full campaign here